Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Don't blame the author

I've been a little stagnant on keeping up on this blogging, but besides using work as an excuse I had a yield sign thrown in my face about a month ago when a supposed good friend called me out for telling the world too much about my life, especially through my blog.

Thinking about it I wondered if there was another way to approach this blog. Now that I work with cancer charities I thought about doing a non-profit angle, but I haven't been in it long enough to be an expert.

Well then what about politics? I was almost a poly sci major and it is still something that I believe strongly in. But first of all why in God's name do we need another political blog out there? And I also wanted to avoid too many rebuttals from d00d. :)

I'm not a fashion queen - fashion blog out.

I'm a tomboy but guys do know more about sports than me - sports blog out.

I definitely care about the environment but I don't make it my life - environment blog out.

Perez is a blog god - celebrity blog out.

The only thing I know that I can speak of intelligently and "all knowing" is my own life and my own experiences. I'm an average girl living in Hollywood who hates the club scene and prefers the dive bars. I was unemployed for 5 months and had the Insufficient Funds situation more than once. The Drunk Text has been an occurrence I've lately managed to avoid, but it does still happen. And the Dating in LA...I had a bad run of luck for awhile and have dated a variety of guys. By why should this offend any of you? Well, it shouldn't! And if it does then you're taking it too seriously. It's your choice to read this...don't blame the author for the content.

More average girl stuck in the bubble gossip coming to a computer screen near you soon ;)

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